Services and Fees
Payment - Fees are due at the time of the interview. Cash, checks, or payments through Paypal are the only accepted form of payment. If you are unable to pay these fees, please let me know and other arrangements can be made.
Family Evaluation Discount Policy:
The first child is full price and each additional child is given a $5 discount off of their evaluation.
Peabody Individualized Achievement Test (P.I.A.T.):
Standardized Testing, $60 for students I evaluate; $65 for students I don't evaluate. If you are having more than one child tested, there is a $5 discount fee for each additional child.
Short Form Evaluations for grades K - 8:
- Basic fee: April through June evaluations - $45.00
- $40 for each additional child.
Short Form with Credit Evaluations for grades 9 - 12
- Basic fee: for April through June evaluations: $55.00
- $50. for each additional child.
Detailed Evaluations:
- Basic fee for grades 9-12 through June 15: $75.00
- $70 for each additional child.
Secondary students need the Detailed Evaluation
if they are using the Erie County Home Schoolers Diploma Association. The Susquehanna Valley Homeschool Diploma Program accepts both the long or short form with credits. Students working with independent diploma programs such as Keystone, American Homeshool Diploma, and various colleges, etc. may use the Short Form with Credits.
High School Transcripts:
- There is a one-time $20.00 fee for the student transcript.
Approval Letters for Special Education Students:
If your child has been identified by the district as needing special education services, the homeschool objectives must be ‘approved’ by a special education teacher. I offer this service for $20. There is an additional fee if you are interested in special education consulting and or help with writing the objectives. The consulting fee is $25. Contact me for more information.