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Submit Portfolio

Your portfolio can be sent to me in one of three ways:

Submit portfolio via snail mail or drop off at my home:

  • Please email Dawn for directions

Submit portfolio electronically

electronic portfolio submission prerequisites

You will need to have a Google account in order to use this method. If you do not have a Google account, you can either open an account, or you will need to deliver or mail your portfolio to

Sign in to your Google account

To prepare your portfolio samples:

  1. Scan or take pictures of all of your port-folio samples including your completed Pre-Evaluation Sheet.
  2. Review your photos documents for read-ability.


You will need to make a separate folder for each student. Then, inside each student’s folder, you will need to make a folder for each subject.

  1. Click the + to Create a New Folder.
  2. Name the folder after your student using the following example: Last Name, First Name, Grade Smith, Robert, 4th
  3. If you have more than one student, you will need to create a unique folder for each student.
  4. Inside each student’s folder, click the + to Create a New Folder for each subject. Make as many folders as you have subjects, and name each one after the subject that will be included within the folder. Once you have uploaded all of your documents to your student’s evaluation folders, you will need to share the MAIN folder with Dawn.

Uploading Photo Samples into Subject Folders.

  1. Open the student’s subject folder.
  2. Click the +.
  3. Choose “Upload.”
  4. Choose “Photos” or “Browse.”
  5. Select Photos to upload.
  6. Add photos.

To share the main “Student” folder with Dawn:

  1. Click the 3 dots to locate “Share.” This might be a little person with a +
  2. Click “Share”
  3. Add Dawn’s Gmail address – [email protected] not [email protected]
  4. Press Send