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Yearly Portfolio Preparations

Getting Started

If you would like me to evaluate your child, please choose an available date and time from my online calendar. I offer evaluations via Google Meet or phone call. When you choose an evauation date and time from my caldendar, you will be sent a Google Meet link. You don't have to download any programs. Please include the mode of evaluation you prefer.  I will then get back to you to confirm the evaluation appointment and the logistics of how the evaluations will take place.  I offer in-person Peabody Individual Achievement Tests for students in 3 , 5 , and 8 grade.


The homeschool law, Act 169 states that the following courses are to be taught:

Elementary School Level (grades 1-6) - English, to include spelling, reading, and writing; arithmetic; science; geography; history of the U.S. and PA; civics; safety education, including regular and continuous instruction in the dangers and prevention of fires; health and physiology; physical education; music; and art.

Secondary School Level (grades7-12) - English, to include language, literature, speech, and composition; science; geography; social studies, to include civics, world history, history of the U.S. and PA; mathematics to include general mathematics, algebra, and geometry; art; music; physical education; health; and safety education, including regular and continuous instruction in the dangers and prevention of fires. Other courses may be included at the discretion of the supervisor.


The law requires that a portfolio be part of the homeschool evaluation, and it is to include a log, samples of work, and standardized testing for students in 3 , 5 , and 8 grades.

  1. Log - made contemporaneously with instruction, which designates by title the reading materials used in chronological order. Curriculum that is used regularly would be stated once and noted as ‘ongoing.’ The log is also your document for the attendance requirement of 180 days of school or 900 hours for the Elementary level (grades1-6) or 180 days or 990 hours at the Secondary Level (grades 7-12). Remember, although you must meet the hour or day requirement you can be evaluated before the requirement is met. For evaluation purposes, you can attest to keeping your log or include 3 sample pages. Having a more thorough log is particularly important for those using an ‘unschooling’ approach to education. Don’t stress about the log as it is meant to be used as your tool, and there is not a right or wrong log format.
  2. Samples of work – if you keep a few samples of work from all subjects (see Pre-Evaluation form for suggested guidelines) from the beginning, middle, and end of the year as your school year progresses, then in the spring, you’ll already have a portfolio of work to help demonstrate that sustained progress and an appropriate education has taken place. Samples can include a combination of worksheets, tests, written assignments, notes, pictures, time lines, and projects,etc. If you are using CD-ROM programs, include print outs or notes, etc. for documentation. For specific subjects to be included in the portfolio, please use and compete the Elementary or High School Pre-Evaluation form.
  3. Standardized testing - If your child is in grades 3, 5, or 8, the portfolio must include the results of a standardized test for at least reading and math. I will again be offering the Peabody Individual Achievement Test (P.I.A.T.). The PIAT is accepted by the PA Dept. of Ed. and can be given for all grades. Testing needs to be scheduled separately from the evaluation appointment. If you need information on other testing options, please feel free to contact me.


If you are working toward a homeschool diploma, your portfolio must include documentation for each subject. Please write a summary of your school year for me. Besides writing about how you covered the different subjects, you should include community service projects, work experiences, mission trips, or any special projects you might like listed in your evaluation. I am an approved evaluator for the Erie and Susquehanna diploma programs. You need to e-mail or mail me the required English research papers before our evaluation date so that I can spend more time with your student during the evaluation.

In order to receive credits on your transcript, you should know and follow the guidelines of your homeschool diploma program. [Otherwise you don’t know what credits you have earned.] If you gave a speech, include evidence such as speech notes, pictures, or printed program. Speeches given utilizing Zoom, Youtube, or other online resources are considered to be appropriate. Reminder to seniors - check for the deadlines to file for a homeschool diploma. Filing dates range from the end of February to the end of May depending on the diploma program you chose to follow.


Please fill out the appropriate elementary or secondary form for your student. By filling out this basic information, I can spend more time reading selected writing samples and discussing the student’s schooling. I can tell at a glance what curriculum or learning materials were used. The student will enter the evaluation with confidence because he/she has had a chance to record the highlights for each subject and to answer basic questions.


This form is a planing sheet to help students in 9-12 grade meet the requirements of the law for graduation.  


Each year: Vision, height, and weight must be checked. 

Depending upon your child’s grade level, the following are required:

First Year: Dental Exam and Tuberculosis Test

First Year in PA: Medical Exam 

Second Grade: Hearing Test
Third Grade: Hearing Test and Dental Exam

Sixth Grade: Medical Exam and Scoliosis Test 

Seventh Grade: Hearing Test, Scoliosis Test, and Dental Exam 

Ninth Grade: Tuberculosis Test

Eleventh Grade: Medical Exam and Hearing Test

Portfolio Details